In photojournalism you get to meet a lot of interesting people that do a lot of amazing things but after meeting, 61 year old Gillian Larson I think I will have a hard time topping her. She was born in South Africa, a nurse for 41 years, raised three children, has traveled to 46 country's, swum with great white sharks, repelled off 4000 ft mountains, eaten bugs, and a lot of the more adventurous stuff was done in the last 8 years while trying to get on the show. I don't know where she gets her energy but it is absolutely infectious, after spending an hour with her I felt like I could possibly climb mount Everest, which I guess is good for her because her next endeavor after she swims across the San Fransisco bay from Alcatraz, she is planning on doing motivational speaking.
For the photos I was lucky in the fact that she has really amazing decor from all her travels, so I just had her pose for a few casual portraits. One of which I used some of the books she read in preparing for the show as props.