Starting last Wednesday thru Friday I was surrounded by a sea of unwashed masses, literally! It was that time of year again to hang out of people that rarely leave their moms basements, except for these four days a year when they become the epicenter of worlds entertainment radar! I am of-course speaking of Comic Con International.
This year was kinda different for me, I normally cover the preview night for a few local publications, and then hang out for the next few days getting images for a wire service, but this year I got the chance to work with a new wire service that had assignments with Fox, MTV, CBS, and the list goes on.....!
I spent preview night (Wednesday) doing what I normally do, running around on a very tight deadline trying to find that best costumed nerd for tomorrows paper, but Thursday was different. I spent most of the day working for Fox, shooting their Terra Nova Experience, an R.V. setup with an oxygen bar and a full movie studio, all setup for fans, so they could get a look a their new show starting this September.
Later on Thursday I shot for FX, it was a panel for their show Archer, a show I didn't even know existed, but will now be watching every time it comes on! It was one of the funniest panels I have ever covered. After that it was back to the convention room floor to finish up shooting a slide show for an online publication I was working for.
I spent all of Friday covering the infamous hall H, this is the place all of the big movies get previewed, and all of the big name celebs come to. I have tried to stay away from this place for years because the hired security thinks the press is scum and wont give us access to the stage. This year was different I ended up with a Comic Con staff badge, and buddied up with a security guard who was continually bragging about how he was keeping the press ( my friends) at the sides of the stage. It was a surreal experience being that close to all the celebs and seeing all the other media stuffed to the sides of the stage. It just goes to show how the people running Comic Con really don't care about the press, they know that the bloggers are going to cover anything and everything that happens at the con. To see more images from Comic Con go