Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nerdfest 2010

So its that time of year again, when super heroes, zombies, and even anime worriers take over down town San Diego, yes my friends its time for Comic Con! Last night was preview night, where the media, exhibitors,and those who bought 4-day-passes got a chance to take over the convention show floor, to see just what the next four days will have to offer. This year was hectic but nowhere near as crowded as last year, due to the fact the good people at Comic Con limited the number of people they allowed to go to preview night.

I covered preview night for three publications, so I didn't get much of a chance to see all the cool things on display this year, but I did get to see a few things, here are a few images from last night, hope you enjoy, and may the force be with you.

To view a few more images go to

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